
  • Online Class: $15. A convenient and affordable way to add the benefits of a consistent yoga practice to your life.
  • In-Person Class: $25. Join others in community, while refining your practice under an experienced teacher’s watchful eye. Expect verbal feedback and, if desired, hands-on assists.
  • Private Session: online-$75, my place-$125, your place-$175. 1 – 4 students – $25 each additional student. Ideal for new students, children and teens, and those seeking further instruction in yoga, meditation and mindfulness techniques for their therapeutic benefits.
Cash, Cheque, or Venmo. Our Venmo name is @Char-Daigle. Please include the name of the student.

To register for class, and to book a private: email us at yogastation@yahoo.com, or text at 914-874-6295.